Feng Brand® WENJING TEA is made from high quality green tea grown near Lake Tai of Wuxi Province, China. It is mixed with Wen Jing (Equisetum Arvense), a Chinese plant, which does not contain any chemical compound.

As it has antipyretic and diuretic effects and also dispels endogenous heat from the blood, it is an ideal health drink for the young and old. Taking Wen Jing Tea constantly will not only let you enjoy the savor of this exquisite drink but also enable you to keep fit and stays healthy.

Directions: 3 or 4 cups daily. Steep the tea leaves (5g per cup) in boiling water for 5 minutes before drinking.
Manufacturer: Changzhou Kakoo Tea Foodstuff Co. Ltd. Changzhou, China; licensed by Joo Hong Medical Hall (Singapore).